"The Reason Al Gore Invented the Internet"

LD Debate
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*Now that CN's webmaster is back from his summer in Israel on an archeological dig, you can expect updated material all through September.  Enjoy! 

The site is also gradually updating to this newer, better (or at least different) look.



The 2001 NFL L-D Topic Master List

From the National Forensic League

     A ballot with the following topics will be published In the September Rostrum. The results of the balloting will determine the 2001 Lincoln-Douglas topics: January-February, 2001 (3rd choice), March-April, 2001 (2nd choice), Nationals, 2001 (1st choice), September-October, 2000, (5th choice), and November-December, 2000 (4th choice). And you always wondered how they did it.

Resolved: The right of an individual to emigrate ought to be valued above a nation's right to limit immigration.

Resolved: When In conflict, equal treatment under the law ought to take precedence over the exercise of prosecutorial discretion.

Resolved: Hate crime warrants additional punishment.

Resolved: In the United States, business monopolies ought to be allowed to operate free of antitrust regulation.

Resolved: The public's right to know ought to be valued above the right to privacy of candidates for public office.

Resolved : On balance, violent revolution is a just response to oppression.

Resolved: When they are in conflict, alleviation of a pressing social concern justifies governmental infringement of a patent right.

Resolved: Decentralized governmental power ought to be a fundamental goal of democratic society.

Resolved: The possession of nuclear weapons is immoral.

Resolved: A lesser developed nation's right to develop ought to take priority over its obligation to protect the environment.



Online since March 29, 2000; Last updated August 25, 2000

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